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publisher = Penguin Classics (6 entries)  Select: All None   Action: Show BibTeX

Friedrich Nietzsche. 1886. Beyond Good and Evil. Penguin Classics. [book.philosophy] google scholar books
Leo Tolstoy. 1865. War and Peace. Penguin Classics. [book.fiction] google scholar books
Fyodor Dostoyevsky. 1864. Notes from Underground & The Double. Penguin Classics. [book.fiction] google scholar books
Emily Brontë. 1847. Wuthering Heights. Penguin Classics. [book.fiction] google scholar books
John Locke. 1690. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Penguin Classics. [book.philosophy] google scholar books
Homer Homer. -750. The Odyssey. Penguin Classics. [book.fiction] google scholar books

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