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author = McAllester, David Allen (10 entries)  Select: All None   Action: Show BibTeX

David Allen McAllester and Deniz Yuret. 2002. Alpha-beta-conspiracy search. ICGA Journal, vol 25, no 1, pp 16--35. [AI, ai.ku] url ps pdf google scholar
Steven Abney, David Allen McAllester and Fernando C. N. Pereira. 1999. Relating probabilistic grammars and automata. [NLP, parsing] url pdf annote google scholar
David Allen McAllester. 1993. Automatic recognition of tractability in inference relations. [AI] google scholar
Robert Givan, David Allen McAllester, Carl Witty and Kevin Zalondek. 1992. Ontic: language specification and user's manual. [AI] google scholar
David Allen McAllester. 1992. Game search. [AI] google scholar
David Allen McAllester. 1991. Observations in cognitive judgments. [AI] google scholar
David Allen McAllester. 1991. Grammar rewriting. [AI] google scholar
Robert Givan, David Allen McAllester and Sameer Shalaby. 1991. Natural language based inference procedures applied to Schubert's steamroller. [AI] google scholar
David Allen McAllester. 1991. Observations on cognitive judgments. [AI] google scholar
David Allen McAllester. 1988. Conspiracy numbers for min-max search. [AI] google scholar

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