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year = 2005 (121 entries)  Select: All None   Action: Show BibTeX

Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi. 2005. On-line linear learning algorithms, November. PASCAL: The Analysis of Patterns, Erice. (video lecture). [perceptron] url google scholar
Deniz Yuret. 2005. Method of utilizing implicit references to answer a query, Oct. US Patent Number 6957213. [ai.ku] url pdf google scholar
Xavier Carreras and Llu{\'ıs Màrques, editors. 2005. CoNLL-2005 Shared Task: Semantic Role Labeling, Ann Arbor, MI, June. Association for Computational Linguistics. [SRL] url google scholar
Upali Sathyajith Kohomban and Wee Sun Lee. 2005. Learning Semantic Classes for Word Sense Disambiguation. In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'05), pp 34--41, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June. Association for Computational Linguistics. [cl09bib] url google scholar
Noah A. Smith and Jason Eisner. 2005. Contrastive Estimation: Training Log-Linear Models on Unlabeled Data. In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'05), pp 354--362, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June. Association for Computational Linguistics url google scholar
K. C. Litkowski. 2005. The Preposition Project. In Proceedings of the Second ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on The Linguistic Dimensions of Prepositions and their Use in Computational Linguistics Formalisms and Applications, Colchester, England, April. University of Essex. [WSD, semeval07.bib] pdf google scholar
P. Bloom. 2005. Descartes' Baby: How the Science of Child Development Explains What Makes Us Human. Basic Books. [book.brain, ebook, missing] url google scholar books
O. Gospodneti\'c and E. Hatcher. 2005. Lucene in Action. Manning. [book.computers] url google scholar books
S.J. Mithen. 2005. The singing neanderthals: the origins of music, language, mind, and body. Harvard University Press. [book.science] url google scholar books
S.W. Hawking. 2005. God created the integers: the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history. Running Press. [book.science] url google scholar books
M. Tomasello. 2005. Constructing a language: a usage-based theory of language acquisition. Harvard University Press. [book.language, ebook, CG] url epub google scholar books
P. Kroeger. 2005. Analyzing grammar: an introduction. Cambridge University Press. [book.language, ebook, missing] url pdf google scholar books
Joe Haldeman. 2005. Camouflage. Penguin Group. [ebook] epub google scholar books
Kim Stanley Robinson. 2005. Fifty Degrees Below (Science in the Capital Trilogy). Spectra. [ebook] epub google scholar books
D.C. Dennett. 2005. Sweet dreams: philosophical obstacles to a science of consciousness. MIT Press. [book.brain] url google scholar books
Candace Bushnell. 2005. Lipstick Jungle. Hyperion. [book.fiction] google scholar books
S. Dennis. 2005. An exemplar-based approach to unsupervised parsing. In Proceedings of the 27th Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. [uparse] google scholar
A. Zollmann and K. Sima an. 2005. A consistent and efficient estimator for data-oriented parsing. Journal of Automata Languages and Combinatorics, vol 10, no 2/3, pp 367. [DOP] google scholar
S.J. Blackmore. 2005. Consciousness: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford. [book.brain] google scholar books
D. Klein. 2005. The Unsupervised Learning Of Natural Language Structure. Stanford University. [uparse] pdf google scholar
Y. W. Teh , M. I. Jordan , M. J. Beal and D. M. Blei . 2005. Sharing Clusters among Related Groups: Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol 17. [Dirichlet, npbayes] pdf google scholar
John Gribbin. 2005. The Fellowship: The Story of a Revolution. Allen Lane. [book.science] google scholar books
M. Lockwood. 2005. The Labyrinth of Time: Introducing the Universe. Oxford University Press. [book.science] google scholar books
John D. Barrow. 2005. The Infinite Book. Vintage. [book.science] google scholar books
N. David Mermin. 2005. It's About Time. Princeton. [book.science] google scholar books
Donald E. Knuth. 2005. The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1, Fascicle 1: MMIX A RISC Computer for the New Millenium. Addison-Wesley. [book.computers] google scholar books
Michael O'Shea. 2005. The Brain: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford. [book.brain] google scholar books
Malcolm Gladwell. 2005. Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking. Penguin. [book.science] google scholar books
Jonathan Safran Foer. 2005. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Houghton Mifflin Company. [book.fiction] google scholar books
Jared Diamond. 2005. Collapse. Penguin. [unknown] google scholar books
Simon Blackburn. 2005. Truth: A Guide for the Perplexed. Penguin. [book.philosophy] google scholar books
Torkel Franzen. 2005. Godel's Theorem: An Incomplete Guide to Its Use and Abuse. A. K. Peters. [book.math] google scholar books
Adam Roberts. 2005. The Va Dinci Cod. Gollancz. [book.fiction] google scholar books
P. Prinz and T. Crawford. 2005. C in a Nutshell. O'Reilly Media. [book.computers, ebook, C] pdf url google scholar books
Ofer Dekel, Shai Shalev-Shwartz and Yoram Singer. 2005. The Forgetron: A kernel-based perceptron on a fixed budget. In NIPS. (FORGETRON). cit 68. [perceptron] pdf annote google scholar
Luke S Zettlemoyer and Michael Collins. 2005. Learning to map sentences to logical form: Structured classification with probabilistic categorial grammars. In Proceedings of the Twenty First Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI). cit 214. [semparse, d=geo, d=jobs, spf, afz] pdf pdf annote google scholar
M. Lutz. 2005. Python Pocket Reference. O'Reilly Media. [book.computers, ebook] url pdf google scholar books
Peter Watson. 2005. Ideas: A History. UNK. [book.nonfiction] google scholar books
Mary Roach. 2005. Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife. W.W. Norton & Company (NYC). [book.nonfiction] google scholar books
Jason Weston, Antoine Bordes, Léon Bottou, et al. 2005. Online (and offline) on an even tighter budget. In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, pp 413--420. cit 55. [perceptron] pdf annote google scholar
Antoine Bordes, Seyda Ertekin, Jason Weston and Léon Bottou. 2005. Fast kernel classifiers with online and active learning. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol 6, pp 1579--1619. JMLR. org. (LASVM). cit 345. [perceptron] pdf google scholar
Michael Collins and Terry Koo. 2005. Discriminative reranking for natural language parsing. Computational Linguistics, vol 31, no 1, pp 25--70. MIT Press. [parsing] google scholar
Peter D Turney and Michael L Littman. 2005. Corpus-based learning of analogies and semantic relations. Machine Learning, vol 60, no 1-3, pp 251--278. Springer. [vivi] pdf google scholar
E. Roberts. 2005. Karel the robot learns Java. Stanford University. [ebook, book.computers] pdf google scholar books
Nicolo Cesa-Bianchi, Alex Conconi and Claudio Gentile. 2005. A second-order perceptron algorithm. SIAM Journal on Computing, vol 34, no 3, pp 640--668. SIAM. (SOP). [perceptron] pdf google scholar
Antoine Bordes and Léon Bottou. 2005. The Huller: a simple and efficient online SVM. In Machine Learning: ECML 2005, pp 505--512. Springer. cit 55. [perceptron] google scholar
Joe Haldeman. 2005. Old Twentieth. Ace. [book.scifi] google scholar books
Lauren Weisberger. 2005. Everyone worth knowing. HarperCollins Publishers. [book.fiction] google scholar books
J.K. Rowling. 2005. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter, #6). Scholastic Paperbacks. [book.fiction] google scholar books
Patricia Cornwell. 2005. Predator (Kay Scarpetta, #14). Berkley. [book.fiction] google scholar books
Charles Stross. 2005. Accelerando. Ace Books. [book.scifi] google scholar books
Nicholas Sparks. 2005. True Believer. Warner Books. [book.fiction] google scholar books
G. Deutscher. 2005. The Unfolding of Language: An Evolutionary Tour of Mankind's Greatest Invention. Metropolitan Books. [book.language] google scholar books
Paul Auster. 2005. The Brooklyn Follies. London, United Kingdom: Faber And Faber. [book.fiction] google scholar books
Sandra Brown. 2005. Chill Factor. UNK. [book.fiction] google scholar books
John Banville. 2005. The Sea. Picador. [book.fiction] google scholar books
Gregory Maguire. 2005. Son of a Witch (The Wicked Years, #2). HarperCollins. [book.fiction] google scholar books
Cecelia Ahern. 2005. If You Could See Me Now. Harper. [book.fiction] google scholar books
Truman Capote. 2005. Summer Crossing. Penguin. [book.fiction] google scholar books
Stephenie Meyer. 2005. Twilight (Twilight, #1). Little, Brown Books for Young Readers. [book.fiction] google scholar books
Dana Gioia. 2005. The Art of the Short Story. Longman Publishing Group. [book.fiction] google scholar books
Charlaine Harris. 2005. Dead as a Doornail (Sookie Stackhouse, #5). Gollancz Fiction. [book.fiction] google scholar books
Aria Haghighi , Kristina Toutanova and Christopher D. Manning . 2005. A Joint Model for Semantic Role Labeling. In Proceedings of CoNLL 2005 . [conll08st] pdf google scholar
Andrew Finch, Young Sook Hwang and Eiichiro Sumita. 2005. Using machine translation evaluation techniques to determine sentence-level semantic equivalence. In IWP2005. [Paraphrase] pdf google scholar
William B. Dolan and Chris Brockett. 2005. Automatically constructing a corpus of sentential paraphrases. In IWP2005. [Paraphrase] pdf google scholar
Satoshi Sekine. 2005. Automatic paraphrase discovery based on context and keywords between NE pairs. In IWP2005. [Paraphrase] pdf google scholar
. 2005. RTE-1. [RTE] google scholar
Mark Dras and Kazuhide Yamamoto, editors. 2005. 3rd International Workshop on Paraphrasing. [Paraphrase] url google scholar
. 2005. CoNLL-2005. Shared task: Semantic Role Labeling. [SRL] url google scholar
Chris Brockett and William B. Dolan. 2005. Support vector machines for paraphrase identification and corpus construction. In IWP2005. [Paraphrase] pdf google scholar
Chris Quirk, Arul Menezes and Colin Cherry. 2005. Dependency Treelet Translation: Syntactically Informed Phrasal SMT. In ACL. [MTreading, MT] pdf google scholar
Robert B. Laughlin. 2005. A Different Universe. Basic Books. [book.science] google scholar books
Michio Kaku. 2005. Parallel Worlds. Penguin. [book.science] google scholar books
Roger Penrose. 2005. The Road to Reality. Knopf. [book.science] google scholar books
Mario Livio. 2005. The Equation That Couldn't Be Solved. Simon and Schuster. [book.math] annote google scholar books
David Chiang. 2005. A hierarchical phrase-based model for statistical machine translation. In ACL, pp 263--270. [MT, MTreading] pdf google scholar
Maayan Geffet and Ido Dagan. 2005. The distributional inclusion hypothesis. In Proceedings of the 43rd annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL2005). [Paraphrase] pdf google scholar
Colin Bannard and Chris Callison-Burch. 2005. Paraphrasing with bilingual parallel corpora. In Proceedings of the 43rd annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL2005). [Paraphrase] pdf google scholar
Nitesh V. Chawla and Grigoris Karakoulas. 2005. Learning From Labeled And Unlabeled Data: An Empirical Study Across Techniques And Domains. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. [Semisupervised] pdf google scholar
Ryan McDonald, Koby Crammer and Fernando Pereira. 2005. Online Large-Margin Training of Dependency Parsers. In ACL '05. [dparse, parsing, conll08st, dparse.graph] pdf google scholar
Ryan McDonald, Koby Crammer and Fernando Pereira. 2005. Spanning Tree Methods for Discriminative Training of Dependency Parsers. UPenn CIS Technical Report, no MS-CIS-05-11. University of Pennsylvania. [dparse, parsing] pdf google scholar
Kauchak . 2005. Modeling Word Burstiness Using the Dirichlet Distribution. [SLM] pdf google scholar
Gregory J. Chaitin. 2005. Meta Math! The Quest for Omega. Pantheon. [book.mathtext] google scholar books
Volkan Kurt. 2005. Protein Structure Prediction Using Decision Lists. Koç University. [ML] google scholar
Michael I. Jordan. 2005. Dirichlet Processes, Chinese Restaurant Processes and all that. NIPS Tutorial. [Bayes, Nonparametric, Dirichlet, npbayes] pdf ps google scholar
Matthias Seeger. 2005. Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning: Where Are We and Where Could We Go?. [Bayes, Nonparametric, npbayes] pdf google scholar
Joakim Nivre and Jens Nilsson. 2005. Pseudo-Projective Dependency Parsing. In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), pp 99--106. [parsing, dparse] pdf google scholar
Joakim Nivre. 2005. Inductive Dependency Parsing of Natural Language Text. Vaxjo University. [dparse, parsing] pdf google scholar
Zoubin Ghahramani. 2005. Non-parametric Bayesian Methods. UAI '05 Tutorial. [Bayes, Nonparametric, npbayes] pdf google scholar
Matthias Seeger. 2005. Bayesian Gaussian Process Models: PAC-Bayesian Generalisation Error Bounds and Sparse Approximations. University of Edinburgh. [Bayes, Nonparametric, npbayes] pdf google scholar
Ryan McDonald, Fernando Pereira, Kiril Ribarov and Jan Hajic. 2005. Non-projective Dependency Parsing using Spanning Tree Algorithms. In HLT-EMNLP '05. [dparse, parsing, conll08st] pdf google scholar
Ray Kurzweil. 2005. The Singularity is Near. Viking. zkurultay-2011-10-4. [book.science, missing] google scholar books
Raph Koster. 2005. A Theory of Fun for Game Design. Paraglyph Press. [book.computers] google scholar books
JILL BOWIE . 2005. THE EVOLUTION OF MEANINGFUL COMBINATORIALITY. In The Sixth International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang6) . [EvoLang , Compositionality] doc abstract annote google scholar
T. Hirsimäki, M. Creutz, V. Siivola and M. Kurimo. 2005. Morphologically motivated language models in speech recognition. In Proceedings of International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Adaptive Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. [SLM] pdf google scholar
Takashi Hashimato and Masaya Nakatsuka . 2005. Reconsidering Kirby s Compositionality Model. In The Sixth International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang6) . [EvoLang, Compositionality] pdf google scholar
Paul Vogt . 2005. Overextensions and the emergence of compositionality. . In The Sixth International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang6) . [EvoLang, Compositionality] pdf google scholar
MARK JEFFREYS . 2005. NATURAL-LANGUAGE 'CHEAP TALK' ENABLES COORDINATION ON A SOCIAL- DILEMMA GAME IN A CULTURALLY HOMOGENEOUS POPULATION. In The Sixth International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang6) . [EvoLang , Communication] doc google scholar
Paul Vogt . 2005. The emergence of compositional structures in perceptually grounded language games. Artifical Intelligence. [EvoLang , Compositionality] url google scholar
H. Erdogan, O. Buyuk and K. Oflazer. 2005. Incorporating Language Constraints in Sub-Word Based Speech Recognition. In IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding. [SLM] pdf google scholar
K. Kirchhoff, et al. 2005. Morphology-based language modeling for Arabic speech recognition. submitted to Computer Speech and Language. [SLM] pdf google scholar
Sameer Pradhan , Kadri Hacioglu , Valerie Krugler , Wayne Ward , James H. Martin and Daniel Jurafsky . 2005. Support Vector Learning for Semantic Argument Classification. Mach. Learn., vol 60, no 1-3, pp 11--39. [conll08st] google scholar
Ian H. Witten and Eibe Frank. 2005. Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques. Morgan Kaufmann. (Ercument-2011-11-01). [ML, book.ml, missing, ebook] pdf google scholar books
O. Babko-Malaya. 2005. Guidelines for Propbank Framers. [conll08st] pdf google scholar
O. Babko-Malaya. 2005. Propbank Annotation Guidelines. [conll08st] pdf google scholar
M. Palmer, D. Gildea and P. Kingsbury. 2005. The proposition bank: An annotated corpus of semantic roles. Computational Linguistics, vol 31, no 1, pp 71--106. [conll08st] pdf google scholar
Bruno Galantucci . 2005. An Experimental Study of the Emergence of Human Communication Systems. Cognitive Science, vol 29, pp 737 - 767. [EvoLang , Communication] pdf google scholar
TAO GONG , JAMES W. MINETT and WILLIAM S-Y. WANG . 2005. COMPUTATIONAL SIMULATION ON THE COEVOLUTION OF COMPOSITIONALITY AND REGULARITY. In The Sixth International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang6) . [EvoLang, Compositionality, Syntax] doc google scholar
Markus Dickinson and W. Detmar Meurers. 2005. Detecting Errors in Discontinuous Structural Annotation. In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-05), Ann Arbor, Michigan. [Treebank] url google scholar
Markus Dickinson and W. Detmar Meurers. 2005. Prune Diseased Branches to Get Healthy Trees! How to Find Erroneous Local Trees in a Treebank and Why It Matters. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT 2005). [Treebank] url google scholar
Markus Dickinson. 2005. Error detection and correction in annotated corpora. The Ohio State University. [Treebank] url google scholar
Richard A. Johnson. 2005. Miller & Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers. Pearson Prentice Hall. [book.mathtext, missing] google scholar books
Peter Szor. 2005. The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense. Addison Wesley. [book.computers] google scholar books
Ergun Biçici. 2005. Formal Consensus. Technical Note google scholar
Peter Gorniak. 2005. The Affordance-Based Concept. Ph.D. in Media Arts and Sciences Thesis. MIT. [SituatedLanguage, semparse] pdf google scholar
Graham Ritchie and Simon Kirby . 2005. Modelling the transititon to learned communication: an initial investigation into the ecological conditions favouring cultural transmission. In The Sixth International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang6) . [EvoLang] pdf google scholar
JOACHIM DE BEULE and BENJAMIN K. BERGEN . 2005. ON THE EMERGENCE OF COMPOSITIONALITY. In The Sixth International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang6) . [EvoLang , Compositionality , Syntax] pdf google scholar
David Heckerman. 2005. A Tutorial on Learning With Bayesian Networks, no MSR-TR-95-06. Microsoft Research. [Bayes, npbayes] pdf google scholar
Deb Roy. 2005. Semiotic schemas: A framework for grounding language in action and perception. Artificial Intelligence, vol 167, no 1--2. [SituatedLanguage, semparse] pdf google scholar
Deb Roy and Ehud Reiter. 2005. Connecting Language to the World. Artificial Intelligence, vol 167, no 1--2. [SituatedLanguage, semparse] pdf google scholar
Xavier Carreras and Lluis Marquez . 2005. Introduction to the CoNLL-2005 Shared Task. presentation. [conll08st] pdf google scholar

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