Parsers (as well as many other natural language processing algorithms) work by (1) extracting features for the current state, and (2) using a machine learning model to predict the best action / structure based on those features. The feature extraction code is typically messy and irregular and best performed on (possibly multiple) CPUs. The machine learning models can typically be accelerated significantly using GPUs. In this post I will use a greedy transition based parser with a neural network model and figure out how to use both the GPU and the multiple CPU cores effectively. We will take the parser speed from 55 ms/word (with a single CPU) to 0.055 ms/word (using 20 CPU cores and two K40 GPUs). At this speed we can parse the whole Penn Treebank (approx 1M words) in less than 60 seconds.
Some related links:
The code used in this post
Parallel processing for natural language (same idea, Matlab version)
Beginning deep learning with 500 lines of Julia
A greedy transition based parser parses a sentence using the following steps:
function gparse(s::Sentence, n::Net, f::Features) p = ArcHybrid(wcnt(s)) # initialize parser state while (v = valid(p); any(v)) # while we have valid moves x = features(p, s, f) # extract features y = predict(n, x) # score moves y[!v] = -Inf # ignore invalid moves move!(p, indmax(y)) # make the max score move end return p.head end
Here n is a machine learning model, f is a specification of what features to extract, and p represents the parser state. The parser works by extracting features representing the sentence and the current parser state, using the model to score possible moves, and executing the highest scoring move until no valid moves are left.
To parse a whole corpus (array of sentences), we just map gparse to each sentence. Julia can distinguish which gparse we mean by looking at the types of arguments.
typealias Corpus AbstractVector{Sentence} gparse(c::Corpus, n::Net, f::Features)=map(s->gparse(s,n,f), c)
For our first experiment we will parse some sentences on a single CPU core (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @ 2.50GHz):
julia> nworkers() # we use a single core 1 julia> blas_set_num_threads(1) # including blas julia> using KUnet julia> KUnet.gpu(false) # no gpu yet julia> using KUparser julia> @time KUparser.gparse(dev, net, feats); elapsed time: 2244.3076923076924 seconds
The corpus, dev, is the Penn Treebank WSJ section 22 (1700 sentences, 40117 words); net is a standard feed forward neural network with 1326 input units, 20000 hidden units in a single layer, and 3 output units; feats is a specification of features to be extracted. The parsing speed is 55.944 ms/word. More than 99% of that time is spent on "predict".
In order to speed up "predict", we will use the GPU (NVIDIA Tesla K20m):
julia> gnet=copy(net,:gpu) julia> @time KUparser.gparse(dev, gnet, feats); elapsed time: 148.56374417550305 seconds
This gives us 3.704 ms/word, a 15x speed-up. However the GPU can be better utilized if we somehow manage to batch our feature vectors and compute scores for multiple instances in parallel. The problem is parsing a sentence is a serial process, you need the state resulting from the last move in order to compute the features for the next move. The solution is to parse multiple sentences in parallel (thanks to Alkan Kabakcioglu for suggesting this). Different sentences have no dependencies on each other and we can keep track of their states and predict their moves in bulk. The second version of gparse takes an additional "batchsize" argument specifying how many sentences to parse in parallel. This needs some bookkeeping (requiring 80 lines of code for gparse v2 instead of the 10 line beauty you see above), so I won't cut-and-paste it here, you can see the source code if you wish. Here are some experiments with the batched gparse:
julia> @time KUparser.gparse(dev, gnet, feats, 1); elapsed time: 148.725787323 seconds julia> @time KUparser.gparse(dev, gnet, feats, 10); elapsed time: 48.573996933 seconds julia> @time KUparser.gparse(dev, gnet, feats, 100); elapsed time: 25.502507879 seconds julia> @time KUparser.gparse(dev, gnet, feats, 1700); elapsed time: 22.079269825 seconds
As we increase the number of sentences processed in parallel (doing all 1700 sentences in the corpus in parallel in the last example), we get 0.550 ms/word, a 100x speedup from where we started. At this point the time spent on prediction is about a third of the time spent on feature extraction, so let's take another look at features. We will use Julia's parallel computing primitives to group the sentences to be processed on separate cores. The third version of gparse takes yet another argument specifying the number of cpu cores:
function gparse(corpus::Corpus, net::Net, fmat::Features, batch::Integer, ncpu::Integer) d = distribute(corpus, workers()[1:ncpu]) n = copy(net, :cpu) p = pmap(procs(d)) do x gparse(localpart(d), copy(n, :gpu), fmat, batch) end end
The distribute command distributes the corpus equally among ncpu workers, and localpart gives each worker its own subset. We copy the net back and forth between the CPU and the GPU because I couldn't figure out how to pass GPU pointers between different workers. Finally pmap is the parallel map which calls gparse v2 on each worker for the appropriate subset of the corpus, pmerge merges the results. This time we will run the parser on the training set (Sections 02-21, ~40k sentences, ~950k words)
julia> addprocs(20) julia> require("CUDArt") julia> @everywhere CUDArt.device((myid()-1)%CUDArt.devcount()) julia> require("KUparser") julia> @time KUparser.gparse(trn, gnet, feats, 2000, 20); elapsed time: 52.13701401 seconds
The server has 20 CPU cores and 2 GPUs. We create 20 workers, and assign equal numbers to each GPU. Parsing 950k words takes 52 seconds (0.055 ms/word), a 1000x speedup from where we started.
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